Here is an excerpt from our current reading:
(Although it is not quite the same without the pretty pages!)
Timothy, you are like a son to me. I am giving you a command that agrees with the prophecies that were given about you in the past. I tell you this so that you can follow those prophecies and fight the good fight of faith. Continue to have faith and do what you know is right. Some people have not done this. Their faith has been destroyed...
First, I tell you to pray for all people. Ask God for the things people need, and be thanful to him. You should pray for kings and for all who have authority. Pray for the leaders so that we can have quiet and peaceful lives - lives full of worship and respect for God. THis is good, and it pleases God our Savior.
I Timothy 1:18-19; 2:1-3
It wasn't an accident. God gave you your teacher on purpose. He put you in that class so that he could teach you through your teacher. Whether you know it or not, your teacher is a big blessing from God.
Have you ever thought that you could be a blessing to your teacher, too? God's Word tells us we need to remember our leaders. We need to be thanful for them and pray for God to lead and protect them. When our teachers, parents, and leaders are following GOd, it makes it easier to follow their lead!
Today let your teacher know how much he or she means to you. At the right time, go to her desk, and ask her how she is doing. Then ask her if she has any prayer requests. Take a moment to pray for her needs right then.
If there isn't any time, you can pray at your seat or when you get home. At the end of the week, check back with her to see if her prayer requests have been answered. Even grown-ups need to know they are special!
from God's Little Princess Devotional Bible by Sheila Walsh
This is the first devotional I did with Elyssa. It is perfect for toddlers.
The format of this one is neat. Each night you read a letter written to them from God. The opposite page has a corresponding prayer. (You can see this at
I personally enjoyed this one a lot. I am planning on us reading it again as soon as we finish the one we are on. The back says, "The Jesus Storybook Bilble tells the Story beneath all the stories in the BIble. It takes the whole BIble to tell this Story. And at the center of teh Story, there is a baby, the Child upon whom everything would depend. From NOah to MOses to King David, every story whispers his name. Jesus is like the missing piece in a puzzle-the piece that makes all the other pieces fit together. Beautifully written and illustrated, The Jesus Storybook Bible invites children to discover for themselves that Jesus is at the center of GOd's great story of salvation-and at the center of their story, too."
and for boys...
This almost makes me wish I had a boy, too! It is God's Little Princess Devotional Bible that I have spoken of so often in this blog.