Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Oh Mr. Sun

Mr. Sun did a little more than just shine down on us today. We had a great time at the pool, but as I placed my bag upon my shoulder and headed towards the car, I realized that I had gotten a little more sun then I had intended. By the time I got home and stripped down for my shower it was obvious that I wasn't just a little red. All areas of exposed skin on the front of my body are lobster red...fried to a crisp. I began to wonder about how age effects skin. Rarely have I ever been so badly burned. I remember one time when I hurt this much, but it was after a full day at a water park, not an hour or two at the neighborhood pool! As much as I hate to admit it, I realize that I am fully to blame. This was only my second time at the pool this season and not only did I not use sunscreen, but I actually added a little banana boat oil from last season to enhance the look of my lizard like dry legs. Stupid, stupid, stupid...
Mr. Sun was definitely laying on the rays today. Elyssa's face was looking quite red by bedtime. She has been out a lot already this season and has never burned before. She is already brown all over, but the sun did some damage today. Luckily I had little Lainy slathered up and kept her in the shade as much as possible. You can still see patches of red on her face, though, where I didn't want to get the sunscreen too close to her eyes. This has certainly been a learning experience that I won't soon forget. We will all be wearing spf of 30+ the next time we head for the pool. Which for me won't be for a while, since even the thought of putting these bright red legs back in the sun makes me slightly sick to my stomache. :)

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