Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Happy Birthday Papa!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Lima Beans?!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Daily Life
As you can see from the pictures, Elyssa now has glasses. She was mortified by the thought of wearing glasses at first, but her attitude has really turned around. She looks adorable, which is a good thing, since it looks like her eyes are headed the way of mine....downhill! Last week she went on vacation to Niagra Falls with my mom and dad. They had a great time! http://www.tntsdao.phanfare.com PICTURES!
I can't believe how big and strong this little one is becoming. She strains to sit up when you put her in her carseat. She looks a bit like a weeble, but she can sit up by herself. I am enjoying this last bit of peace before she becomes mobile! She LOVES to talk and squeal. When she is frustrated she really tells you about it, I can only imagine what it will sound like when she is able to put real words with it! Food definitely interests her, but she prefers vanilla pudding to green peas... She is still a momma's girl, but yesterday she actually cried when Elyssa handed her to me. I handed her back and she went back to being content...Lainy just wanted her sister! Too sweet!!!
After some stressful months of job changes, he finally landed right up the street (literally about 6 minutes away) as the Service Manager of a Chrysler Buick GMC dealership. The job comes with its share of challenges, but they are easier to handle without an hour commute each way. :) We can stop by when we are out and he can even come home for lunch.
I discovered that I am not really much of a camper, even when there is a motorhome involved, when we camped near Houston for his dad's birthday. It was nice seeing the family. There are some cute pictures of Elaina and her cousin Emma (they are only two weeks apart) that I will try to post soon.
Monday, July 14, 2008
A Child's Mind
A few nights ago Elyssa and I were talking after reading her devotional for the night. It had an old hymn as part of the reading, so I taught it to her so we could sing it together. The week had been hard on her, but she couldn't seem to put what she was feeling into words when I would ask her what was wrong, so as the following conversation progressed, I thought we were heading towards a break through that would allow me a glimse into her deepest thoughts.
Elyssa: Mom?
Me: Yes.
Elyssa: Can I tell you something? I mean...it may seem kinda wierd.
Me: You can tell me anything, even if it's wierd.
Elyssa: Well, I don't know...
Me: What is it?
Elyssa: You know that show American Idol?
Me: Yes.
Elyssa: If you went on it, I think you would win.
Me: (Trying my hardest not to laugh) Thank you honey, you are very sweet.
OK - not the deep thoughts I was hoping for, but how incredibly sweet. The world may be rough and you may think you are being a less than wonderful mom, but your child still thinks you hung the moon. I realize that these days of innocence will not last for long, so I lock these moments in my memory, something to treasure for a lifetime.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
A Picnic
So I am already flustered by the day and the delay only adds to the stress. We make it out to the cemetary and ...(drum roll)... not even a full minute has passed before one of her two pink balloons pop. I could have been really upset at this point, but decided it was better to laugh it off and be content with letting one balloon go instead of two. Silly the things we let cause us stress!
I was excited that we actually managed to get the candle lit with a quite a bit of hard work on Tony's part. As soon as we pulled the lid I snapped a quick photo before the wind blew it out. I know it is completely irrational, but I have come to appreciate the wind on our picnics. It allows me to imagine Mia herself blowing out her birthday candle.
For those of you reading this blog and wondering what happened to Mia, I'll take a moment to fill you in. She was born on July 7th, 2006 right on time and without any complications. We were home less than 24 hours later. She was the sweetest and best behaved baby you can imagine. By 4 weeks, she was sleeping through the night upstairs in her crib. I would put her to bed at 9 and she would sleep until about 5:30. On Monday, September 11, we went for her two month check-up. She had a bit of a cold, but other than that she received an A+. The next morning she woke up as usual. I went up and fed her. Most days she went right back to sleep, but that morning she spit up and I had to change her clothes. I spent about an hour holding her and talking to her before putting her back down. I mentally noted how beautiful she was becoming now that her hair was finally starting to grow in. At 9:00, the two pre-schoolers I kept showed up. Mia had been awake for a few hours, had her breathing treatment, and was ready for her morning nap. I put her in bed and took the kids to the playroom to begin our lessons. Around 9:30 Mia cried out and my life changed forever. I picked her up and immediately knew that something was wrong. As I rushed down the stairs her body tightened up and began to turn a pale blue. I immediately dialed 911 and carried her to my neighbors house. She had the phone, I was doing CPR, and the three 4 year olds stood watching this take place. By the time the ambulence arrived I was a wreck. The EMT took her from my arms and carried her to the ambulence. I stood there on the street watching as he cut off her clothes and began working on her. They would not let me in, so I sat down on the curb and began making phone calls. Everyone tried to be encouraging, but in my heart I believe I already knew how the day was going to end. They hadn't seen what I had seen. The white fluid that came out of her while I was doing CPR could not have been a good sign. I believe she was already on her way to heaven, being held in Jesus' arms...taken so she would not have to go through the pain of the rest of that horrible day. She was careflighted from our local hospital to Children's Medical Center. Upon my arrival (Tony flew with her), I was taken to a private waiting room. The doctor did not pull any punches. He said that her heart was enlarged and the outlook was not good at all. I spent the rest of the day watching her as they worked. It was awful, but I couldn't bear to leave her side. Viral Myocharditis was the cause. It has something to do with the body turning on itself instead of attacking the virus. I still don't understand much about it, but from what I can tell, even the doctors don't know much and definitley don't know why. We were told that there was nothing that could have been done to prevent it. Mia continued to digress throughout the day and finally we made the life altering decision to let her go. There was nothing else to be done. All the wires were unhooked and I sat a chair, holding my baby girl as she died in my arms. I will never forget the doctor leaning over and whispering in my ear that she was gone. We were surrounded by a room full of our closest friends and family, but at that moment it was just her and me. Everything else from that point forward is still mostly a blur...
Monday, July 7, 2008
Happy Birthday Mia
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday Dear Daughter,
Happy birthday to you.
My "New Normal"
From the heart of a bereaved Mother...
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
Elaina is 5 months old...
Not just literally (which our little "chunk" is certainly doing), but she has hit such an exciting stage. She isn't a newborn anymore. She likes to eat, especially from our plates. Baby food really isn't her thing! Water bottles, sippy cups, and straws are all kinds of fun. She is nearly able to sit up unassisted, though right now she looks more like a weeble that wobbles and DOES fall down! She sat in a high chair at lunch today using the awesome buggy bag that I had put away in the closet. The buggy bag also made the trip to Wal-Mart more enjoyable. The biggest brag, though, is I finally took the step and moved her upstairs to her own room. She seems to love her crib. The last two nights she has slept all night long, which she was not doing in our room. It took me a while to mentally prepare myself for letting her sleep so far away and truthfully I haven't exactly taken the full plunge. I am sleeping upstairs in Mia's room, which gives me quick and easy access if she needs me. One step at a time, right? Having a big house has its perks, but there are definitely some disadvantages. It would be so much easier if her room was right down the hall!!!
Lost tooth, and glasses, and scrapes...oh my!
Elyssa has also come a long way on riding her big girl bike, but bikes do not come without scrapes. She usually manages to land on the grass when she falls, but alas...she finally landed on the concrete...and left the top layer of skin from her elbow. She can be quite a drama queen and was really playing it up until I told her that her first strawberry was something to be proud of. Through her last few tears, she climbed back up onto the bicycle seat and proudly rode it the rest of the way home.