1. My haircolor still not being right since turning it green last November.
2. My house not being clean no matter what I seem to do (and it really used to be, honest)
3. No one has listed a baby video monitor on Craigslist that lives with 30 miles of me.
4. Television and internet being so readily available...
5. Losing so much hair every day that it has actually become a cleanliness issue in my bathroom!
6. Having a completely different vision of what a perfect future would look than my dh and not knowing how exactly to merge the two.
7. Feeling like I would lose my head if it were not attached to my body. From major things like my professional camera to the mirror I needed to take back to Target...I can't seem to keep up with anything these days.
8. Not getting to plan an over the top birthday party for Mia's second birthday because she is not here to celebrate it.
9. Wondering why there still seem to be as many bads as there are good days.
10. Over finding myself wondering why we even bother to pray since, no matter how many prayers are said, bad things still happen to good people.
And to keep from ending on too bad of a note, here is a little poem I remember from when I was a kid. #7 on the list reminded me :)
The Loserfrom the book "Where the Sidewalk Ends" (1974)
Mama said I'd lose my headif it wasn't fastened on.Today I guess it wasn't'cause while playing with my cousinit fell off and rolled awayand now it's gone.And I can't look for it'cause my eyes are in it,and I can't call to it'cause my mouth is on it(couldn't hear me anyway'cause my ears are on it),can't even think about it'cause my brain is in it.So I guess I'll sit downon this rockand rest for just a minute...

I feel like I can't remember anything OFTEN and I only have one child. I think having a baby sucks the brains out of your head!!! :)
Tori, I have misplaced your phone number and email address. Email me when you get a chance. m_rstone@hotmail.com
I feel your pain girl!
I spent many years worrying about things that really weren't all that important. Clean houses, losing things up to and including your hair and sometimes even your mind are some of those things. Never sweat the small stuff. Remember you are never alone and there are people who love you and are always there for you.
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