Thursday, January 1, 2009

One Word

I was reading a blog just moments ago and came across an idea of a single word that becomes your mantra for the year.

Can you identify a single word that sums up what you want for yourself in 2009?

It can be something tangible or intangible. It could be a thought or a feeling or an emotion. It can be singular or plural. The key is to find something that has personal meaning for you. This is not your mother's word or your spouse's word or your child's word - this is YOUR word.One little word can have big meaning in your life if you allow yourself to be open to the possibilities. And here's one thing that is totally interesting: sometimes a word will pop into your brain and it will not make any sense to you right now. Give it some time. Let it percolate a bit. I have often found that our hearts speak to us in very unique ways. Maybe this is a word you need to hear but just aren't ready for it yet. Again, be open to the possibilities.

Something about this concept really struck home with me. I immediately began pondering what MY word would be if I had one. My initial thought was freedom, but that wasn't quite right. Letting go was closer, but it isn't one word (and anyone who knows me knows how I am about rules...), so that evolved into release, then surrender, then back to release. The definition for release one me over.


1. to free from confinement, bondage, obligation, pain, etc.; let go

2. to free from anything that restrains

4. to give up, relinquish, or surrender

5. a freeing or releasing from confinement, obligation, pain, emotional strain, etc.

6.liberation from anything that restrains or fastens.

7.some device or agency for effecting such liberation. ( GOD)

a. the surrender of a right or the like to another.

a. a control mechanism for starting or stopping a machine, esp. by removing some restrictive apparatus.
b. the opening of an exhaust port or valve at or near the working stroke of an engine so that the working fluid can be exhausted on the return stroke.
c. the point in the stroke of an engine at which the exhaust port or valve is opened.

I have certainly hit that point of exhaustion in my life where it is time to release some of the pressure before everything just bursts. This is certainly not an easy thing for me, though. Maybe I should go back and choose a much less challenging word like LOVE :) Anyway...
Release... my worries back into God's hands
release... my little girl spend some time away from mommy
release... my both my girls to try new things without me fretting so much
release... my husband to step out and be the leader
release... myself... to let go of the strong front that all is well and allow myself to work through all the things that have led me back into a life of constant nail biting
release... the shutter on my camera more for fun as well as profit :)

So, now that it is out there for all the world to see, let's see how I do with my follow through!!!

Oh, I forgot to add one more thing I would like to release... a few of those extra pounds that I am still holding on to!!!!

1 comment:

Eigna said...

What a great post! I am proud of you! I don't think you are alone in your worry. That old saying Let Go and Let God comes to mind. It is hard for me and I haven't gone through what you have. You will get there. It takes one moment at a time.