Friday, August 1, 2008

Check Ups!

We doubled up today and had a 6 month AND a 6 year check up with Dr. Nail. Both girls got an A+. Elyssa did great (of course she didn't have to get any shots) and Lainy, although fiesty, did wonderful as well. She had three shots, but quickly calmed down. Truthfully I think she would rather have the shots than the oral roto vaccine! Dr. Nail was quite impressed with Elyssa's fitness level. He said she was in great shape...maybe she will be one of those lucky woman who don't have to work quite so hard to stay slim :)


weight: 45.8 (50%)
height: 47.5" (75%-90%)
weight: 17.6 (75%-90%)
head: 17"
height: 26.5" (75%-90%)

The doctor also said that Miss Elaina Beth needed to start sleeping through the night. I couldn't agree if someone could just explain that to HER!
(I should give her a little credit. She slept through the night on Wednesday and then when she stirred at 4 this morning I went up to cover her back up. If I had been more awake I would have realized that she had turned around in the bed, instead I put the blanket on her face instead of her feet. This of course did not go over well. I know mommy of the year award....)

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